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Coaching is very personalized and done in many different ways, depending on the client's particular goals.  But there are always a few aspects that are consistent.  Coaching:

  • is confidential.

  • is non-judgemental.

  • believes that the client is the expert on their life and holds amazing answers when they are encouraged to step back from their "truths" to see other possibilities.

  • uses the new awareness/possibilities to identify actions that will ultimately change the client's trajectory.

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Our first few sessions will be spent establishing where you are, how you got here and, most importantly, where you want to be.  

After we establish this map for where we're heading, the really good stuff happens. Each week, you'll identify a specific topic that you'd like to focus on.  We'll then determine what you would like to accomplish relative to that goal and how we'll know we've been successful.  

One of the most important aspects to our work will be identifying what values are most important to you.  These should inform every decision you make. I have a treasure chest of tools, exercises and questions that will help you identify what's most important to you and what's standing in your way of honoring those values.

Along the way, I'll also introduce you to an energy framework (a kind of "language" we will use) that will help us step back from situations.  This will give us enough space to see what other powerful and aligned responses might move you toward what's truly important to you. 

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Although engagements can be fine-tuned to meet the client's needs, the framework is generally something like this:

  • Commitments are typically 3 or 6 months (real change takes time, and 3 months is often required for any meaningful shifts).

  • We meet once a week, for one hour sessions.

  • I am available by text or phone between sessions for occasional "spot-coaching."

  • An Energy Leadership Index Assessment (along with detailed debrief) is included in every package. This assessment looks at the various "lenses" that you are prone to view the world through.  We can then start to experiment with what would be possible if you slipped on other "lenses."  

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What Areas Does Marian Focus On?

The coaching process is super powerful when applied to any aspect of life.  So I feel confident that I can help you find insight into what is holding you back and what might be possible, whatever your goal.  I am most passionate about helping people discover where their power is and how to feel grounded there. I have extensive experience, though, in helping people address career pivots, burnout, and values-based parenting.  Let's connect and see if we're a good fit!

What is the Difference Between Therapy and Coaching?

I think the easiest way to think of how therapy compares to coaching is to imagine when you would hire a 

physical therapist vs. a personal trainer. You hire a therapist when you are truly stuck and can't move where you want to go smoothly.  You hire a coach when everything is generally working, but you want a partner with expertise in growth and optimization.

 Also, similar to hiring a personal trainer, a coach offers the advantage of structure and accountability while working toward your goal.

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